We reach for the light

Yet never lose the forest that nurtures us

PGH works with the core belief that business has a critical role to play in the country’s social transformation. We understand that our bottom lines are dependent upon the growth of employees and their communities. It is the only way that South Africa will escape from the disgraceful honor of having the highest Gini coefficient in the world. The current, enormous gap between the “haves” and the “have nots” predicts an unsustainable future for all South African businesses. Therefore, development programmes for employees and their communities are a critical and non-negotiable part of any organisation / operation – this informs our investment strategy and our transformation agenda.

Not business as usual

Our business philosophy

We couple our diverse, extensive experience with our deep, broad networks to enable companies to:

  • unearth new areas of profitable growth
  • surface more cost-effective and diverse suppliers
  • redeploy companies’ CSI programmes to align with the Peotona-Trust activity, providing additional value for adjacent communities. These initiatives, sit within the business strategy of the organisation and are overseen by a dedicated Peotona director.

Through all Trusts and initiatives, we are committed to broad-based empowerment with a focus on those historically overlooked within the business world: women, those with disabilities and those from previously disadvantaged communities.The Peotona approach proves that sustainable, profitable businesses in South Africa require attention to the employees and their communities, not just to the profit line but to sustainability. This means long-term capability development with an organisation’s employees, within their communities and within their local governments.

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Peotona Group Holdings (Pty) Ltd